Oyo Police embark on show of force Patrol, As part of efforts at ensuring a peaceful atmosphere, Police in Oyo state have embarked on a “show of force” exercise around Ibadan metropolis to clear off criminal elements.
The police team in conjunction with Amotekun personnel who were heavily armed visited some flashpoints in Ibadan including Aleshinloye, Challenge, Beere, Agugu, Oke-Adu, Molete, and Ode-Aje.
Other places visited included Orita-Merin and Aremo.
Commissioner of Police, Mrs Ngozi Onadeko said the exercise became imperative as part of ongoing efforts at ridding Oyo State of crime and criminality throughout the Easter festivities and beyond.
Mrs Onadeko re-affirmed the Command’s commitment to leave no stone unturned as it continues its constitutional and statutory mandate of protecting lives and properties.
To this end, the Commissioner noted that the Command had put in place high-security measures designed at providing comprehensive and robust security coverage for the citizenry, through effective deployment of operational, intelligence, and tactical assets.
Oyo Police embark on show of force Patrol
The police boss in Oyo State stated further that Area Commanders, Heads of tactical formations and Divisional Police Officers have been mandated to increase layers of Supervision for officers on the field, conduct effective stop and search, engage in visibility policing patrols along major Highways/boundary points in addition to intelligence-led raids of black spots and convoy patrols with relevant agencies and non-state actors.
She said the Critical government infrastructures, financial institutions, places of worship, media houses, recreational centres, parks, and other public facilities would be given adequate protection through effective surveillance and coverage by the Command.
While felicitating with the people of Oyo State, the Commissioner of Police, Mrs Onadeko, enjoined all and sundry to anchor around the virtues of forgiveness, tolerance, selflessness and love in line with the ascension of Christ.
She also encouraged them to be unrelenting with the provision of credible and timely information to the Police at all times.