A carnival-like atmosphere was in the air in the serene town of Ila-Orangun on Saturday morning over the Sound governorship poll.

From as early as 7am, residents could be seen moving about on the streets; others are already at their polling units, waiting for the exercise to commence.

Though electoral officials are still preparing for the take off of the exercise, many prospective voters have already gathered at various polling units, checking their names on the electoral register, in readiness for the exercise.
Usman Mudasiru, 74, is among those who came out early to exercise their franchise. Madasiru said today’s election is significant because it will point the way next year’s general election will go
He said he came out to vote early because he is interested in the progress of Osun State.

Madasiru who is an indigene of the ancient town said: “I hope other indigenes and residents of this town will come out in their numbers to vite today.

” We have to make a statement that we are ready for next year’s general election by voting for continuity of the progress already recorded in this state.”

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