Haruyuki Takahashi, a former member of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics organising committee has been arrested on suspicion of corruption.

The 78 year old is accused of taking payments totalling over £300,000 from a high street business-suit retailer who was an official partner of the Tokyo 2020 games.

Documents from the Tokyo Prosecutors Office seen by a reputable news agency reportedly accuse him of taking money on the understanding that they were “thank-you” payments for beneficial treatment he gave to the retailer.

They allege that more than 50 transactions occurred between October 2017 and March 2022 with money sent to the bank account of a company run by Mr Takahashi.

According to local media, officials have been looking into whether or not past payments received violated a law forbidding public servants from taking money in relation to their role.

Legal officials also revealed that a former chairman and two other executives of Aoki Holdings – the retailer, had been arrested in connection with the case.

The company has released a statement saying that it is fully cooperating with prosecutors.

A former executive at one of Japan’s largest advertising agencies, Dentsu Inc, Mr Takahashi became a member of the Olympics organising committee in 2014.

While it has mostly shuttered operations the committee does maintain a financial presence to deal with accounting issues.

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